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Online Tuition - $325.00
includes EVERYTHING!!

With 30 day access to
CNS curriculum !!

Register for CNS23
Interactive Virtual Experience
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Online School



CNS23 Interactive Virtual Experience is a online version of the Charles Novell School of Music.  The format of this online week long CNS is set up in both Live, Interactive Sessions and over 80 Video Sessions. Study at your leisure with the CNS Staff from the comforts of your own home. You will have 30 day access to the content and CNS curriculum.


CNS23 Interactive Virtual Experience  is a place where you can begin, continue or advance your music and ministry. Classes are offered in; Music Theory, Songwriting, Performance, Worship, Sound Systems, Piano and Guitar. There are Workshops and Seminars in; Vocal Interpretation, Vocal Range Developing, Breathing, Arranging, Technology, Promoting, Marketing and Branding, Stage Presence, Emcee Techniques, and more. Private lessons are offered in Voice, Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Songwriting, Sound, and Technology.  You will also get 5 half hour private lessons virtually with a instructor in the desired area of choice.


If you can’t make CNS23 in person school CNS23 Interactive Virtual Experience provides you an alternative option in studying with a staff that is the best of the best in the Gospel and Christian Music field.



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